Loan Against Sblc

Loan Against Sblc

If the family member of a client wants to go abroad for employment then the client can apply for this loan provided that then client is enrolled in the program for the last one year and has a good track record of credit and saving in the center

Loan Against Sblc
3.75 %
Interest Rate
Loan Against Sblc
7.41 %
Base Rate
Loan Against Sblc
11.16 %
Total Interest Rate

Last Updated Date: May 16, 2022

Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd

In 1987, when it was first formed as a joint venture, Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited became operational. The Standard Chartered Group's global network provides the bank with a rare opportunity to provide genuinely international banking services in Nepal. A wide range of banking products and services are provided by Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited to a wide range of customers, including individuals, local mid-market firms, multinationals, main public sector companies, government companies, airlines, hotels, as well as the DO segment comprising embassies, aid organizations, NGOs and INGOs. Corporate Social Responsibility is an important part of the vision of Standard Chartered to become the world's best foreign bank and is the core pillar of the Bank's principles. Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited focuses on children's initiatives, particularly in the fields of health and education, and supports non-governmental organizations engaged in community charitable activities.

Loan Against Sblc


  • Loan application form
  • Account opening documents of the borrower
  • Enterprise legal representative certificate or power of attorney, board of directors resolution and articles of association
  • Annually inspected business license of enterprise legal person
  • Audited financial statements of last three years and latest financial statements
  • In case of individual, borrower shall submit details of the business and purpose for which he/she is proposing to obtain the loan; and
  • The loan shall be remitted through proper banking channels.

What Is Foreign Currency Loan ?

A foreign currency loan means that you borrow money in a foreign currency. A loan denominated in a currency other than that of the borrower's home country, for which repayment terms are prearranged through the use of a forward currency contract. Foreign currency loan refers to the loan granted by the bank through the self-raising foreign currency fund, including five types of foreign currency, US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), British pound (GBP), and Australian dollar (AUD). Nepal Rastra Bank(NRB) under Section 12 of the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act 1962 (2019) issued foreign currency loan to respective categories banks. Under the NRB Circulars the Central Bank has imposed various terms and conditions on foreign loans.  The NRB Circulars require the borrower to first attempt to avail of the loan from commercial banks and financial institutions in Nepal. Only in the event the borrower fails to obtain the amount of funds it requires at a competitive rate of interest locally, the borrower can obtain loan from foreign lenders. The key provisions of the NRB Circulars:

Foreign Loan by Nepalese Citizens:

 A Nepalese citizen can obtain foreign loan for business purpose from his/her relatives residing outside Nepal, non-resident Nepalese or foreign entities, with the approval of the Central Bank.

Foreign Loan by Nepalese Firms / Companies / Industries / Entities:

1. Foreign Banks and Financial Institutions 

In the event the Nepalese borrower cannot obtain loan locally, the borrower is first required to attempt to avail of foreign loan from foreign banks and financial institutions.

2. Authorized Finance Companies / Financial Institutions:

Only in the event it becomes difficult to obtain foreign loan from foreign banks and financial institutions, the borrower can obtain loan from any finance company or financial institution which has been authorized to provide loan as per the approval obtained by such finance company or financial institution from their respective government, central bank or any other regulatory authority.

3.  Foreign Companies / Entities:

In the event the borrower is unable to obtain loan from the entities the borrower can obtain foreign loan from a foreign company or other entities. In respect of loan from foreign companies / entities-

 (i) the financial details of the lending entity certified by its auditor (or audited accounts), (ii) source of funds for the loan, and (iii) schedule for the transfer of loan amount by the lender, an


1. It covers a comprehensive range of usage with main use of meeting customer's demands for foreign currency financing, including enterprises' demands for working capital and for fixed asset investment.

2. According to customer request, its lending interest rate can apply either floating rate or fixed rate. If required, the rate can be swapped from floating rate to fixed rate.

3. Compared with foreign government loans and buyer's credit of foreign banks, our bank's foreign currency loan can be more widely used and help customers purchase equipment and materials from foreign countries.

Way to Forward for Foreign Currency Loan

1. Establish credit relations with the borrower. For enterprise customers of foreign currency loan, sales account manager should conduct admittance criteria examination of the borrower in accordance with our bank's credit rating and relevant regulations on loan.

2. Investigation prior to the loan grant. Sales account manager should conduct comprehensive investigation to loan through field research and other channels based on the status of borrower, guarantor, mortgagor (pledgor) and the mortgage (pledge), specially focusing on such aspects as legality, compliance, safety and profitability.

3. Examination and approval of the loan: loan usage and management.


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