Pensioner Bachat Khata

Pensioner Bachat Khata

Pension/Retirement saving account is a voluntary saving product which needs to continue deposit at the fixed rate of amount for long term. This saving can be used for children’s higher education, marriage and old age uses

Pensioner Bachat Khata
6.05 %
Total Interest Rate

Last Updated Date: May 17, 2022

Rastriya Banijya Bank

Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBB) is completely government-claimed, and the biggest business bank in Nepal. Rastriya Banijya Bank was set up on January 23, 1966 (2022 Magh 10 BS) under the RBB Act. Rastriya Banijya Bank gives different financial administrations to a wide scope of clients including banks, insurance agencies, mechanical exchanging houses, carriers, lodgings, and numerous different areas. 

Rastriya Banijya Bank has Nepal's most broad financial organization with its wings in the most piece of the nation through various dissemination sources of 236 branches, 17 counters, 93 branchless banking (BLB) and 165 ATMs.

Pensioner Bachat Khata


  • Personal identification such as passport/citizenship.
  • Recent passport size photographs of account holder.
  • Identification of account holder justifying the current address of customer such as utility bill (electricity/telephone) or PAN card or driving license or voter identity card etc. for KYC purpose
  • Declaration of nominee with personal identification and PP size photograph
  • Pension card 

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