Special savings account is a variant of local currency savings account with higher interest rates targeted to our existing as well as new customers. A Special Savings Account is to offer the ultimate trust, security and convenience in a Savings Account. Special savings accounts help you not only be a saver, but a planner. This way you can avoid getting into debt with interest accruing methods (such as personal loans or credit cards) for events such as the holidays, graduations, taxes, etc.
Last Updated Date: May 16, 2022
Prime Commercial Bank was founded in September 2007 as the 21st commercial bank in Nepal. It has been classified as an 'A' class financial institution under Nepal's Banks and Financial Institutions Act. The primary motto of this Bank is 'Banking Service to All,' with the 389 total promoters holding 70 percent of the bank's stock. The bank has developed itself at the highest level of financial competitiveness, focusing on offering outstanding service to its customers. The bank has emerged as an emerging player in the financial sector, maintaining excellent relationships with respected clients through an emphasis on excellence in customer service.
Special savings account is a variant of local currency savings account with higher interest rates targeted to our existing as well as new customers. A Special Savings Account is to offer the ultimate trust, security and convenience in a Savings Account.
Special savings accounts help you not only be a saver, but a planner. This way you can avoid getting into debt with interest accruing methods (such as personal loans or credit cards) for events such as the holidays, graduations, taxes, etc.