Prabhu Call Deposit(Npr)

Prabhu Call Deposit(Npr)

General Saving Account is designed to take care of customer’s banking and savings requirements. General savings account is a deposit account maintained by a customer for the purpose of accumulating funds over a period of time while earning interest.

Prabhu Call Deposit(Npr)
3.02 %
Total Interest Rate

Last Updated Date: May 17, 2022

Prabhu Bank Ltd

In 2016, after the merger of Grand Bank Nepal Limited, Kist Bank Ltd., Prabhu Bikash Bank Ltd., Gaurishankar Development Bank Ltd. and Zenith Finance Ltd., Prabhu Bank Limited was created. Prabhu Bank Limited has taken part in the A class financial institution status. The mission of Prabhu bank Limited is to become Nepal 's leading commercial bank by providing their customers with the highest quality financial products and services.

Prabhu Bank Limited has undertaken activities such as various deposit schemes, loans and advances, foreign exchange facilities, trade finance, inward / outward remittances, government securities market makers, non-funded services such as issuing guarantees, letters of remittances,, with the goal of supporting individuals, families. Prabhu Bank maintains that it is only when its customers thrive that a bank succeeds.

One of the key aims of the bank is to reach out to ordinary citizens with a host of helpful products and services to ensure their future prosperity. The bank has achieved a considerable degree of success in pursuing this goal within a relatively short period of time, thus building a substantial base of loyal customers.

Prabhu Call Deposit(Npr)


Documents Required for General Saving Account :

  1. Filled Personal Account Opening Form
  2. Identification documents such as Citizenship Certificate /Valid Passport/Voters ID Card
  3. Two recent Passport (PP) size photographs of the account holder
  4. Duly filled KYC form
  5. In case of Nominee Identification documents such as Citizenship Certificate /Valid Passport along with PP size photograph of the Nominee

General Saving 

General Saving is the savings deposit accounts are meant for those individuals who have a habit of saving money from their earnings so that they can use it when they require. It’s an transactional interest bearing account wherein a deposit is placed with the bank for an unspecified term and the account holder can deposit or withdraw the funds whenever require through different means. A savings account is an interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution. Though these accounts typically pay a modest interest rate, their safety and reliability make them a great option for parking cash you want available for short-term needs. Savings accounts have some limitations on how often you can withdraw funds, but generally offer exceptional flexibility that’s ideal for building an emergency fund, saving for a short-term goal like buying a car or going on vacation, or simply sweeping surplus cash you don’t need in your checking account so it can earn more interest elsewhere.

How Savings Accounts Work

Savings and other deposit accounts are important sources of funds that financial institutions can turn around and lend to others. For that reason, you can find savings accounts at virtually every bank or credit union, whether they are traditional brick and mortar institutions or operate exclusively online. In addition, you can find savings accounts at some investment and brokerage firms. The rate you’ll earn on a savings account is generally variable. With the exception of promotions promising a fixed rate until a certain date, banks and credit unions can generally raise or lower their savings account rate at any time. Typically, the more competitive the rate, the more likely it is to fluctuate over time. Changes in the federal funds rate can also trigger institutions to adjust their deposit rates. And some institutions offer special high-yield savings accounts, which are also worth investigating.

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