Sme Loan

Sme Loan

This is a tailor made loan product devised with special focus on the needs of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises to meet their financing requirements in a convenient manner.

Sme Loan
5 %
Interest Rate
Sme Loan
8.98 %
Base Rate
Sme Loan
13.98 %
Total Interest Rate

Last Updated Date: May 9, 2022

Nepal SBI Bank Ltd

Sme Loan


  1. Photocopy of citizenship certificate of applicant, guarantor.
  2. Current account in the name of the borrowing unit
  3. Details of the sister concerns
  4. Photocopy of Firm / company Registration
  5. Photocopy of article of association and memorandum of association and board resolution (In case of Company)
  6. Photocopy of land ownership certificate
  7. Financial statement of last three years either audited or management prepared
  8. Original blue print of the land
  9. Photocopy of construction completion certificate from Municipality/VDC (Nirman Sampanna Pramanpatra).
  10. Photocopy of four Boundary Disclosure (Char Killa) from ward office of the land/building to be placed as collateral.
  11. Photocopy of latest land revenue receipt (Malpot Receipt) and tax clearance receipt of the building to be placed as collateral
  12. Photocopy of Tax/PAN/VAT certificate along with registration certificate

Small and medium enterprises(SME) Loan

Small and medium enterprises form an integral part of the economy. These sectors have a vast and essential credit requirement in banking sectors .SME in Nepal form an integral part of the economy. These sectors have a vast but untapped credit requirement in the banking sector. Such credit requirements are either catered through the personal lending market or tapped by co-operatives. Such businesses are generally managed individuals and family run. They have a core understanding of what business they are doing but when it comes to producing financials, written business plans, etc. The accounting and financing records they keep are very simple. Due to these factors, apart from many others, they are shy and reluctant to approach banks and financial institutions to fulfill their credit requirements.

This product is designed in such a way that such borrowers can avail such requirements in the SME category in the form of overdrafts and term loan according to their requirements. These  products would be suitable for small family businesses including retailers, wholesalers, distributors, cottage and small scale manufacturing/processing units, exporters, importers, contractors, suppliers, workshops, fabricators, educational institutions, medical/health facilities, travel/tour operators and service sectors.



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