Sambriddha Nagarik Bachat Khata

Sambriddha Nagarik Bachat Khata

Public savings is the amount of revenue earned from taxes that is leftover after accounting for all government expenditure .It can be positive or negative and is an important driver of tax levels in different economies.

Sambriddha Nagarik Bachat Khata
6.03 %
Total Interest Rate

Last Updated Date: May 9, 2022

Nepal SBI Bank Ltd

Sambriddha Nagarik Bachat Khata


  • Citizenship
  • Passport sized photo
  • Loan Application Form
  • KYC documents of the applicant and the organization
  • Bank statement for the last 9 months
  • Pan Card Number

Public Saving 

The amount of revenue earned from taxes that is leftover after accounting for all government expenditure is called public savings. public savings can be positive or negative and is an important driver of tax levels in different economies. Savings is considered income left after spending. Governments earn income from the different kinds of taxes collected in a fiscal year. Their expenditure is the amount they spend on social schemes and in providing basic services to their people. Public savings is that leftover amount earned in taxes after accounting for all government expenditure in a fiscal year. Public savings is also sometimes called government savings. Private savings (SP) is the sum of saving by private (financial and non-financial) corporations and household sectors. When we add up public savings and private savings, the amount we get is called national savings . In other words, the total remaining income in the economy after paying for consumption and government purchases is called national savings. National savings represent the domestic supply of loanable funds in the economy. When the government runs a budget deficit, it reduces the supply of loanable funds to the private sector (business and households).

Declined supply of loanable funds raises the cost of money (interest rate), leading to more expensive borrowing costs. Rising interest rates weaken demand from a new loan by the private sector. Because it is more costly, households tend to be reluctant to apply for new loans. Likewise, companies prefer to delay capital assets purchase because rising investment costs make it unprofitable.

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