Locker Account

Locker Account

Locker saving is locker facility services to Individual and Institutions for safekeeping of valuables assets and ornaments.

Locker Account
6.03 %
Total Interest Rate

Last Updated Date: May 17, 2022

Nepal Investment Bank Ltd

Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. (NIBL), beforehand Nepal Indosuez Bank Ltd., was set up in 1986 as a joint endeavor among Nepalese and French accomplices. The French accomplice (holding half of the capital of NIBL) was Credit Agricole Indosuez, an auxiliary of one of the biggest financial gathering on the planet. Later in 2002, a gathering of Nepalese organizations including brokers, experts, industrialists and financial specialists gained the half shareholding of Credit Agricole Indosuez in Nepal Indosuez Bank Ltd., and in like manner the name of the Bank additionally changed to Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. 

Locker Account


  • Photograph of each person operating the locker
  • Citizenship of each person operating the locker
  • Citizenship/birth certificate (in case of a minor) of Nominee
  • Photograph of nominee

What is Locker Savings?

Locker saving is an account where you are allowed to lock your money for a specific amount of time. You earn a higher interest but accessing your money before the time you have set is complicated. You will have to wait for not less than two days if you choose to withdraw your cash before the account matures.
If you surrender the locker before the expiry of the lease period, the remaining rent will be refunded to you. In most cases, this is done if the unexpired portion of the lease period is at least a year. Usually, banks take a security deposit which covers rent up to three years.

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