Special savings account is a variant of local currency savings account with higher interest rates targeted to our existing as well as new customers. A Special Savings Account is to offer the ultimate trust, security and convenience in a Savings Account. Special savings accounts help you not only be a saver, but a planner. This way you can avoid getting into debt with interest accruing methods (such as personal loans or credit cards) for events such as the holidays, graduations, taxes, etc.
Last Updated Date: March 21, 2022
Nepal Rastra Bank issued Mega Bank its Operating License on 4th Shrawan, 2067 and it commenced banking operations from 7th Shrawan 2067. It lies under class “A” commercial bank which has achieved Nine years of operations and is on its way to realizing the aspirations of 2,396 promoters who incorporated chiefly from middle-class households spread over more than sixty three Districts of Nepal. Mega Bank has merged with Paschimanchal Development Bank and Tourism Development Bank. Banking Services of Mega Bank Limited are dedicated to the whole monetary strata of the Nepalese society from “Halo” to “Hydro”. Mega Bank Nepal Limited is currently trading in Nepal Stock Exchange with symbol MEGA. MEGA has provided a dividend return of 7.85 percent in the fiscal year 2074/75. Mega Bank Limited has appointed Nabil Investment Banking Limited as it’s share registrar. Mega Bank is dedicated to supplying financial options to not just the pinnacle middle or backside of the Pyramid.
Special savings account is a variant of local currency savings account with higher interest rates targeted to our existing as well as new customers. A Special Savings Account is to offer the ultimate trust, security and convenience in a Savings Account.
Special savings accounts help you not only be a saver, but a planner. This way you can avoid getting into debt with interest accruing methods (such as personal loans or credit cards) for events such as the holidays, graduations, taxes, etc.