Nepal Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd. (NCC Bank) formally registered as Nepal - Bank of Ceylon Ltd. (NBOC), commenced its operation on October 14, 1996 as a Joint Venture with the Bank of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. It was then the first private sector Bank with the largest authorized capital of NRS. 1,000 million. The Head Office of the Bank is located at Bagbazar, Kathmandu. The name of the Bank was later changed to Nepal Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd., (NCC Bank) on 10th September, 2002, due to transfer of shares and management of the Bank from Bank of Ceylon, to the Nepalese Promoters. NCC Bank completed 23 years of its banking services on October 14, 2019 and recently entered into a historic merger with four Development Banks – Infrastructure Development Bank Ltd., Apex Development Bank Ltd., Supreme Development Bank Ltd. and International Development Bank Ltd. NCC Bank started its joint transaction from January 01, 2017 has now become one of the largest private sector commercial banks. At present NCC provides banking services and facilities to rural and urban areas of the country through its 120 branches, 85 ATMs and 4 Extension Counters scattered all over the country from Far West to Far East. The Bank has developed a corresponding agency relationship with more than 150 International Banks having a worldwide network.
General Saving
General Saving
Nari Bachat
Kids Savings
Old Age Saving
Share Holders Saving
Salary Savings
General Saving
General Saving
General Saving
General Saving
Nari Bachat
Foreign currency saving
Overdraft Loan
Cash Credit
Term Loan
Export Credit
Demand Loan
Consortium Loan
Consortium Loan